martes, 18 de xuño de 2013

crónicas marcianas

The Long Years (April 2026/2057). First published as "Dwellers in Silence" in Maclean's, September 15, 1948.

Hathaway (the physician/archaeologist from the Fourth Expedition), now retired, is living on Mars with his wife and children in the hills above an old, abandoned settlement, vacated many years ago when everyone returned to Earth at the beginning of the war there. A gifted inventor and tinkerer, he has wired the old ghost town in the valley below so that he can make it come alive at night with lights and sounds as if it were still inhabited. One night, he sees a rocket approaching Mars and sets fire to the old town to attract the attention of those on board.

On board the rocket is his old commander, Captain Wilder, (also from the earlier stories about the Fourth Expedition) returning to Mars after twenty years exploring the outer solar system. He and his crew land and are met by Hathaway, now old and suffering from heart disease. Hathaway brings the crew to his house for breakfast and introduces them to his family. Wilder, who remembers meeting Hathaway's wife many years earlier, remarks that she looks remarkably young, while Hathaway has aged considerably. Wilder pales when he and one of his crew realize that Hathaway's son, who gives his age as 23, must be at least in his forties. Wilder sends the crewmember off to the local cemetery to check the headstones. He returns to report that he has found the graves of every member of the family but Hathaway.

Wilder offers to take Hathaway back to Earth, but he declines. In the next moment, Hathaway has a heart attack and dies, begging Wilder not to call his family to his side because they "would not understand". Wilder then confirms that Hathaway's wife and children are actually android, created by Hathaway after his wife and children died years ago.

As Wilder prepares to depart, one of the crew returns to the house with a pistol, thinking to put an end to the androids, whose existence seems pointless now that Hathaway is gone, but he returns shortly, having been unable to bring himself to kill the robotic family even knowing that they are not truly human. The rocket departs, and the android family continues on with its meaningless routine.

The Martian Chronicles
Ray Bradbury
New York: Doubleday, 1950
traducida ao galego por María Magdalena Fernández Pérez e publicada como
Crónicas marcianas
Vigo: Editorial “Xerais” de Galicia, 2004

Os largos anos (abril 2026/2057). Publicado primeiro como "Habitantes en silencio" en Maclean, 15 de setembro de 1948.

Hathaway (o médico/arqueólogo da cuarta expedición), agora retirado, vive en Marte coa súa muller e fillos nas colinas sobre un asentamento antigo, abandoado, desocupado fai moitos anos cando todos regresaron á Terra ó principio da guerra alí. Un talentoso inventor e tinkerer, conectou coa vella cidade fantasma abaixo no val para que el poidera facer cobrar vida na noite con luces e sons como se aínda o habitaran. Unha noite, el ve un cohete a Marte e fogo establece no casco antigo para atraer a atención das persoas a bordo.

A bordo do cohete é o seu antigo comandante, capitán Wilder, (tamén das historias anteriores sobre a cuarta expedición) volver a Marte despois de vinte anos de explorar o sistema solar exterior. El e o seu equipo de Terra cumplen Hathaway, agora vello e sufre enfermidades do corazón. Hathaway trae o equipo á súa casa para o xaxún e presentallle a súa familia. Wilder, quen se acorda da reunión da muller de Hathaway moitos anos antes, comenta que se vé moi xoven, mentres que Hathaway envexeceu considerablemente. Wilder palidece cando el e un dos seus tripulantes se dan conta do fillo de Hathaway, quen lle dá a súa idade: 23 anos, debe ser ó menos un cuarentón. Wilder envía o tripulante ó cemiterio local para comprobar as lápidas. El volve a informar de que encontrou as tumbas de todos os membros da familia.

Hathaway novamente na Terra, dalle un ataque ó corazón e morre, Wilder non chama á súa familia porque non o entenderían. Wilder confirma entón que a muller e os fillos de Hathaway son realmente androides, creados por Hathaway despois de que a súa muller e fillos morreron hai dous anos.

Como Wilder preparase para saír, un da tripulación que volve á casa cunha pistola, pensando en acabar cos androides, cuxa existencia parece inútil agora que Hathaway se foi, pero regresa pronto, despois de haber sido incapaz matar á familia robótica aínda sabendo que non son verdadeiramente humanos.O cohete sae e a familia androide continúa coa súa rutina sen sentido.